Blue Star Adventure: A Circumnavigation of Britain

Mike Goodwin and Roger Colmer

Independent Publication



Wasn’t it Amundsen who said that adventure was ‘just bad planning’? This anti-clockwise circumnavigation in the well-found yacht Blue Star, with minimal night-sailing and due diligence taken with passage planning might seem tame to a polar explorer. Nevertheless Mike Goodwin and Roger Colmer, with their rota of paying crew-members (many from Stafford Coastal Cruising Club), maintain such a consistently positive approach that even seeking out top quality scones and marina facilities become mini-quests. I even found myself enjoying the terrible jokes at the end of each chapter. They also succeeded in raising £30k for the Cystic-Fibrosis Trust.  Their book offers plenty of detail to help others plan effectively; its proceeds continue to support this excellent cause.

Julia Jones