Please Tell Me: A Book to Give

This is a book for someone else to write.  It’s a book to give. Perhaps the person you are thinking of is beginning to get a little fragile or perhaps they are living in a care home. It may be that they are beginning to find it harder to communicate who they are and what matters to them.  Here there is space for their memories, photos, drawings, information about their particular needs and good advice to others. You may need to help them find the words or pictures.

The approach is different to other Life Story booklets for people living with dementia and should complement them. The questions are few and intended as prompts for conversations as well as capturing essential information. Using it is intended to be a pleasurable as well as a useful activity.  It expresses respect for the older person and offers space for their experience today as well in the past.

Please Tell Me is primarily designed for use in care homes. It will be equally useful to visiting home helps and delightful as a family souvenir.  Words are by Julia Jones, drawings by Claudia Myatt.

 For more information visit the Johns Campaign website